Some friendships are a match made in heaven. This one is a match made in a cosmetic surgeon’s office.
Pixee Fox, 26, has had 17 operations, including four boob jobs, liposuction and the removal of six ribs in a bid to become a real-life Barbie doll. Meanwhile, 35-year-old Justin Jedlica has had more than 340 cosmetic procedures including five nose jobs, as well as implants in his shoulders, back, cheeks, biceps and rear end. His goal: To become a real-life Ken doll as well as become “100 percent plastic.”
The two aren’t romantically involved ― they’re more friends with medical benefits. They’ve spent an estimated combined $500,000 on their various surgeries, so it seems once these two cosmetically-enhanced cuties found out about each other, a meeting just had to take place. Now the duo have a relationship befitting the type that the Barbie and Ken dolls in your kid’s toy chest have.
match [mætʃ] n. 般配的人
real-life ['ril'laɪf] adj. 现实的
【同替】concrete, in real world
meanwhile ['miːnwaɪl] adj. 同时
【同替】at the same time, in the meantime estimate ['estɪmeɪt]v. 估计 【同替】evaluate, appraise befit [bɪ'fɪt] v. 适合 【同替】appropriate, suitable 雅思阅读必备长难句分析 Some friendships are a match made in heaven. This one is a match made in a cosmetic surgeon’s office. 参考译文 有些人的友谊是上天注定的;这两个的友谊是整容医院安排的。 解析 漂亮的排比句,重点在于两句话保持尽可能结构上的一致,达到增强语气的效果。 更多雅思阅读干货欢迎随时关注学为贵雅思频道哦。 推荐书籍:《剑桥雅思阅读真经5 剑10版》 、《剑桥雅思阅读考点词 剑9版》、《剑桥雅思阅读真经总纲》