雅思口语满分答案:a person you wanted to be similar to

发布时间:2019/03/25 作者:小贵贵

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  在本季度的雅思口语题库中,有一道题是Describe a person you wanted to be similar to when you were growing up。帅哥写了一个范例答案,大家来学习一下我的布局和扩展,以及语言的使用。加油!


  Describe a person you wanted to be similar to when you were growing up

  You should say:

  Who this person was

  When you got to know this person

  What the person did

  And explain why you wanted to be similar to this person


  When I was a kid, I really wanted to be like Jackie Chan, who I'm sure you know, is an internationally acclaimed Kungfu star from China. He was born in Hong Kong and started his acting career there. Then, he gained worldwide recognition after he made a few Hollywood movies like the Rush Hour franchise. Now, as Jackie Chan sometimes jokingly says, nowhere in the world can you find someone who doesn't know him,

  I got to know Jackie when I was only 5 or 6. I remember it was because of a movie named Wheels on Meals, which is probably not very well-known among the younger generation today. It was a hilarious film, with tons of action scenes, so um … it was both exciting and funny at the same time.

  What he did … well, he made and is still making box office hits that are both enjoyed by Chinese and foreign film lovers alike, and this is also part of the reason why I wanted to be similar to him when I was growing up. You know, my dream was actually to be a movie star and be recognized on the world stage, and I even imagined co-starring in a movie with Jackie, haha. Another reason that I wanted to be similar to him was because he was and is mega-rich; who doesn't want to be like a billionaire.


  internationally acclaimed 国际知名的

  gain worldwide recognition 获得全球认可、在国际上出名

  franchise 系列电影

  jokingly 开玩笑地、戏谑地

  hilarious 极其滑稽的

  tons of … 很多…

  action scenes 动作场景

  box office hit 票房大卖的影片

  … and … alike 两者都、同样地

  when I was growing up 在我小时候

  on the world stage 在世界舞台上

  co-star 与其他明星联合主演

  mega-rich 超级富有





