雅思口语Part1高分答案:public transport

发布时间:2018/09/25 作者:小贵贵

  学为贵雅思培训-北京雅思培训班哪家好项目部提供:雅思口语Part1高分答案:public transport。

  雅思口语Part1高分答案:public transport。大家来学习前雅思考官Simon写的Part1答案,积累一些思路和词汇。预祝广大考生早日屠鸭成功。

  1) Do you use public transport? Why / why not?

  These days I mostly drive, and the main reason is that my usual journeys are much faster by car. For example, the half-hour drive that I do twice a week would take me three times as long by train and bus.

  half-hour drive 半小时的车程

  take three times as long as … 要花…三倍的时间

  2) Which type of public transport do you prefer? Why?

  I definitely prefer the train. I like being able to stroll up and down, and on some trains I can book a seat with a table and a socket, so that I can do some work.

  stroll up and down 走来走去

  socket 插座

  3) How good is the public transport where you live?

  It's quite good. There's a train station not far from my house, and it's a direct line straight into the city centre. There are lots of bus routes too, and there's even a tram network in the centre of Manchester.

  a direct line straight into the city centre 直接到达市中心

  bus route 公交线路

  tram network 有轨电车系统

  4) Do you think people should use public transport more? Why / why not?

  Yes, as long as it's convenient for them. Public transport is obviously more environmentally friendly than private cars, so we could reduce air pollution by using it more.

  environmentally friendly 环境友好的、有利环境的

  reduce air pollution 减少空气污染





