
发布时间:2018/09/22 作者:小贵贵



  Q: Do you think people often idealise their childhoods?

  A: Of course. I think that most people look back on their own childhoods with a sense of nostalgia. They remember that sense of innocence and freedom that they had, and how much that has been lost in adulthood. They also tend to look at today's youth and feel that their own childhood was somehow better because they are now so detached from modern young people.

  Q: How does a person's childhood influence what kind of adult they become?

  A: Well, it probably influences them in many ways, some of which are subtle and some obvious. For one example, if you have a happy, healthy childhood, you are probably more likely to become a well-adjusted adult. However, if you were subjected to bullying and abuse, you may replicate that behaviour as an adult.

  Q: When does a child become an adult in your view?

  A: Oh wow, that's a difficult question. I suppose legally we are adults at 16 in my country, but more traditionally you are an adult at 21. For some things, you are also considered an adult at 18. However, I think growing into adulthood is more complex and inexact process. Some people mature very early and others very late, and there is probably no point at which any person could be said to have switched from childhood to adulthood.





