
发布时间:2018/07/30 作者:小贵贵



  Task2: Some people who have been in prison become good citizens later. Some people think that they are the best people to talk to school students about the danger of committing a crime. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  To educate children and teenagers to understand the severe consequences of committing a crime, some say that inviting those rehabilitated ex-prisoners to school is the most effective method. Personally, I completely disagree with this opinion.

  While it is undeniable that ex-prisoners can share the painful experience of being alienated from the outside world which may act as a deterrent to keep students away from engaging in activities against the law, I believe that the effect may not be as good as expected because similar stories can be easily heard through TV dramas and educational programmes. Therefore, organizing a visit to real prisons and observing the punishment that prisoners are subjected to should be a superior choice.

  To help school students become aware of the importance of abiding by the law, I strongly believe that people working for law enforcement departments are the best choices rather than ex-prisoners. For example, lawyers are far more knowledgeable in law-related issues than a prisoner lecturer who may be only able to tell the story of his own rather than authoritatively explain the line between legal and illegal. In addition, having judges of the court for school legal education produces more benefits, as they are more experienced in leading young people to make decisions rationally.

  In conclusion, despite the fact that stories told by ex-prisoners may have a deterrent effect on young people who are curious about illegal behaviors, I am not in support of inviting them to educate school children. In my opinion, experiencing real prison life and talking with experts should be better methods.






