学为贵雅思培训-北京雅思培训班哪家好项目部提供:雅思口语高级词汇:golden rule。
雅思口语9分词汇,超级好背,golden rule,黄金法则(后面有记忆技巧)。
A golden rule of pronunciation is: use word stress correctly. You probably know that one part of a word is 'stressed' (= stronger than the other parts), for example: PHOtograph, phoTOgrapher, photoGRAPHic. Listen for the stress in words. Then you'll get the hang of word stress and be able to use it more. If you can do this, your pronunciation will improve just like that.
发音的金科玉律是:正确使用单词重音。你可能知道一个词的一部分是重读(=比其他部分更强),例如:PHOtograph, phoTOgrapher, photoGRAPHic。注意单词中的重音。这样你就能掌握单词重音的用法,并能更多地使用它。如果你能做到这一点,你的发音就会很容易提高。
golden rule
important rule (黄金法则,这个表达方式汉语中也有,所以非常好记了,不过要注意他的用法,一条…的黄金法则是,a golden rule of sth is ,比如提高学习效率的黄金法则是上课时认真听讲,a golden rule of improving study efficiency is focus on teacher's lecture in the class. 所以归根结底,golden rule一般说的是做事情的方式,就好用了
get the hang of
learn how to do/use something (学会如何做或者如何使用某个东西,hang有悬挂的意思,英语中“线”或者“绳”通常都可以引申出线索的意思,所以hang是挂着,肯定得用绳子,所以就是了解线索,get就是得到,理解的意思,所以get the hang of 就是学会怎么做或者怎么使用。类似的一个习语,learn the ropes, rope是绳子,根据刚刚的解释,它就不是学习绳子的意思了,而是摸到了门路,了解到了内幕的意思,after working as a journalist for 3 years, I learn the ropes finally.
just like that
quickly and easily (非常容易地,说这句话的时候,用拇指和中指打个响,体会到了吗?就是那么容易。比如跟老师学习一个月口语,口语提高就像(打个响)那么容易。注意这个短语是的用法是副词的用法,所以前边一定有个动词,比如,把你扔水里,你就会游泳了,就是那么容易。翻译成正常的汉语是,你可以很容易的学会游泳。Throw yourself into the water, and you will know how to swim just like that.