学为贵雅思培训-北京雅思培训班哪家好项目部提供:2018年雅思口语Part3话题题库:Old Things。
The answers are really natural, authentic, convincing, and effective.
1. What kinds of old things do Chinese people keep at home?
Ah, jeez, I'd say all kinds of things really. I mean, most families will have things like old photos, possibly old books as well, paintings, that kind of stuff.
And I guess, like, the personal items that maybe their ancestors once had, are also the sorts of things that people like to keep, and that varies between family to family. So yeah, it's really kind of hard to generalize.
Jeez - 天啊(怎么说呢?!)
Ancestors - 祖先
that varies between family to family - it's different from family to family
it's really kind of hard to generalize - 很难概括
2. Why do you think people keep these things?
I'd say it's primarily because it reminds them of their family history. So for example, it reminds them of family members who have passed away, or significant events in their family history. So basically they hold very special memories to people, and although they may not be very valuable in terms of what they're worth, they're really important in terms of the sentimental value they have.
Oh and one other reason for keeping old objects might be for investment purposes, because a lot of old objects, such as antiques for example, appreciate in value over time.
sentimental value - 情感价值
Oh and … - 啊对了,
investment purposes - 投资目的
appreciate in value over time - 随之时间升值
3. Do young people in your country like old things?
Um… for the most part I would say not particularly. I mean, if you look at the things that most young Chinese people have, the majority of them are new, you know, like phones, computers, the books they read, the films they watch… there are not that many old things among them. But saying that, I wouldn't say they have a strong dislike towards old things, it's simply that they prefer modern stuff, as it's basically more practical!
for the most part - 大多数、大部分、总的来说
But saying that - 但话又说回来
Practical - 实用
4. Do you think it's good to recall the past?
Yeah, most definitely. I mean, everyone has special memories, and if we didn't recall the past, it would a bit of a pity just to forget everything that's happened and not reflect on it. You know, we can learn so much from the past, and looking back at the happy times we've experienced can also cheer us up when we're feeling down. So yeah, I think it's extremely important to recall the past.
most definitely - 绝对是
a bit of a pity - 有点可惜
reflect on - 反省、仔细想、回忆
feeling down - not happy 不开心、沮丧