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Almost as soon as he met her, he fell head over heels for her. They had six wonderful months together, and then she left. It broke his heart, and a year later he's only beginning to pick up the pieces.
head over heels
suddenly and deeply in love 突然又深深的爱(用法类似副词)
break someone's heart
make someone very sad 伤了某人的心
pick up the pieces
rebuild something that was damaged 重建损坏了的东西
I went to a big party last night. The hosts were celebrating something so they'd decided to push the boat out, there was a really good band, fantastic food and lots of drink. I chatted to a few people for the first hour-just the usual small talk. Then I met this great guy. We got talking and we really hit it off. I'm seeing him tomorrow.
push the boat out
spend more than usual 比平时多地花钱
small talk
polite conversation about unimportant things 类似寒暄
hit it off
like each other 彼此喜欢,(所以主语肯定是复数,比如we,they)