
发布时间:2018/03/14 作者:小贵贵


  想起一个媒体类的写作题,基本就是问“我们是否可以相信记者呢?+What qualities do you think jounalists should have?" 这里就记者应有的素质给大家来个新鲜出炉的好素材哈!

  1. Jounalists should be reasonably objective, though complete objectivity will be difficult to achieve, as everyone has their own opinion and standpoints. If a journalist clearly takes a side on an issue, but states this openly, people can decide whether to accept the ideas or not, knowing that the opinion is slanted(adj.有倾向的)。

  2. Journalists need to be investigative, seeking out information and opinions to present to readers, listeners and viewers.

  3. They also need to be very good with words, expressing their exact meaning, often succinctly(adv.简洁地)。 The public, as well as their collegues may even roll their eyes(翻白眼)when receiving the tedious(adj,冗长的) and even monotonous(adj,乏味的)talks.


