
发布时间:2018/03/05 作者:小贵贵




  今天我们通过学习Jenny的故事,来学习和积累雅思口语动词词组Phrasal Verbs. 这些动词词组和搭配都是雅思口语的词汇加分点,输入+输出,你的雅思口语词汇将让你的英语口语更地道自然!

  When Jenny does have spare time, she likes to relax. She usually hangs out = spends a lot of time(花很多时间) with friends she was at school with. They have knocked around together = spent a lot of time with one another because they are good friends(经常一起玩耍)for years and love whiling away their days off =spending time in a relaxed way either because they are waiting for something or have nothing special to do(逍遥自在的度过时光), going round the shops or just chatting at one of their homes. Sometimes they go away for a weekend and muck about=waste time doing silly things(耍闹) at Jenny's aunt's cottage in the countryside. Last time they did that, a colleague of Jenny's latched on to them=spent time with them, especially when they did not want her with them(缠住/纠缠)。 The others didn't really like her at first, especially as they always had to hang on=wait, usually for a short time(等待)while she got ready, but now they all like her very much.

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