学为贵雅思培训-北京雅思培训机构项目部提供:雅思词汇讲解:reading vs watching。
题目:People who like to read develop better imagination and language skills than those who prefer to watch TV. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
hampers inventiveness--阻碍创造力
imagination and inspiration--想象力和灵感(押韵词组最受考官欢迎)
internally visualize events that are described --在内心把书里描绘的场景视觉化(动词+副词的组合很出彩)
stimulate the creativity of the reader--刺激读者的创造力,用来代替原题中的develop
audio and visual stimulation --听觉和视觉的刺激(和看电视电影最相关的话题词汇)
sensory information--感官信息(替换上面的词组)
become imaginatively inactive--变得在想象力方面很不积极(超级强大的副词+形容词组合,我的极力推荐)
discourage viewers from forming their own opinions--必须掌握的discourage,用来反向替换encourage
the capacity of creative thinking--创造性思考的能力,用来替换creativity
reading is a superior choice--superior可以比better更好表达“高人一等,更胜一筹”