口语书中包含各种参考答案,素材,必有一款适合你的口味。素材可以利用到每个Part 2中,举一反三。
An interesting foreign person 必须重点准备
A good parent 重点
Positive comment on your work
Science class
A rule in your school
A conversation with a stranger 与陌生人的对话
Something you want to do but haven’t started
Café 咖啡店
Foreign food 外国食物
A polite person
Peaceful place
Plant or flower in your country
A person who made a clever solution to a problem
A shop newly opened
A useful person that you worked or studied with
part 1
1. 朗读问题和书上参考答案
2. 自问自答
3. 每个内容循环5遍
part 2
1. 朗读书上答案
2. 自己陈述内容5遍,录音
3. 对着镜子练习
第一章 Part 1 策略
首先,雅思口语的考官并不是凭“印象”给考生打分,而是从句法、语法、语音、逻辑等方面综合考虑来给考生打分。考生在口语考试最开始Part 1部分的发挥情况会使考官对考生的口语水平有一个大致的定位,对最终的口语分数有一个奠基的作用。而到了Part 2和Part 3考官会根据考生的答题情况再进行微调,所以Part 1当然很重要。
Name 名字
People who are working 工作考生
People who are studying 学生考生
Hometown 家乡
1A001 Advertisement
What types of advertisements are there?
What are the functions of advertisement?
What are the problems of advertisements?
What are the effects of advertisements on people?
1A004 Apartment
Do you live in a house or a flat?
What is there on the walls of the flat?
What can you see outside the windows of your flat?
Which room is your favorite?
What kind of house do you want to have in the future?
What kind of living place is popular in China?
1A005 Art
Do you think the art is important to life?
Can you give an example of arts you learn?
What kind of art do you like?
What kind of art experience did you have when you were young?
What kind of art are you good at?
1B003 Birthday
How do people celebrate birthday in your country?
How did you celebrate your last birthday?
What kind of birthday gifts do Chinese people like to receive?
Is there any difference between birthdays in the past and now?
1B004 Boating
Do you want to have a boat?
Do you love boating?
Where do you go boating?
1C001 Celebrity
Who is your favorite celebrity?
Do you want to be a famous person?
Which pop star do you like?
1C006 Computer
What do you do with computers?
Do you think that children should learn to use computers?
Do you think that life is better with computers?
When did you begin to use computers?
1D005 Driving
Do you often drive?
Is it necessary to learn driving?
Is it important to drive well?
When would you allow your children to drive?
1E001 Email
Do you often write emails?
What are the advantages of writing emails?
What types of emails do you write, business or personal?
What’s the difference between letters and emails?
What kind of letter is hard to write?
In what kind of situation do you send email to your family?
1F001 Family
How much time do you spend with your family?
What’s the occupation of your parents?
1F006 Fruit/vegetables
Do you like fruit (vegetables)?
How often do you eat fruit (vegetables)?
What kind of fruit (vegetables) do you like best? Why?
What are the benefits of eating more fruit (vegetables)?
1G002 Goal
What’s your goal of life?
Do you have any plans?
What are your plans in details?
Do you think that people of different ages have different goals?
What are the plans to fulfill your goal?
1I001 Internet
Is social network very important in China?
How did you first learn about the Internet?
What are the disadvantages of social network?
1M004 Music
What music do you like?
What music do Chinese people like?
From when do schools begin to have music lessons?
Should there be music lessons at schools?
Do many Chinese children learn to play a musical instrument?
What instrument have you learned?
What instrument do you want to learn in the future?
What are the benefits of learning a musical instrument?
1M005 Mobile phone
When did you use the mobile phone for the first time?
What do you use your mobile phone for?
1N001 Neighbor
Do you know your neighbors?
Do you think it is important to have good relationship with neighbors?
Do you prefer young people to be your neighbor or old people?
What problems will people have with their neighbors?
1N002 News
How do you get the news?
What kind of news are you interested in?
Is it the same for the old and young?
Is it important to know the news?
1N003 Newspapers/magazines
When did you begin to read newspaper?
What’s the difference between reading newspapers and magazines?
1O001 Outdoor activities
Do you do any outdoor activities?
How often do you do outdoor activities?
Do you think outdoor activities are important to people?
Do you think nowadays people have done enough outdoor activities?
1P002 Park
What do people plant in parks?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of parks?
What do people do in the park?
1P005 Plants
Do you like growing plants?
What plants did you grow when you were young?
Do you like to receive plants as gifts?
What kinds of plants are there in your country?
How do you take care of plants?
1P006 Politeness
Are you a polite person?
Who taught you to be polite?
What is politeness?
1R007 Rain
Does it often rain in your city?
What was the heaviest rain in your memory?
In which part of China does it rarely rain?
Does it affect people’s life?
Do you like rainy days?
What do you do when it is raining?
1R002 Reading
Do you like reading?
Why do you like reading?
What kind of books do you read?
Where do you read books?
How do you get the books?
How many books can you read every day?
Do you like to discuss the contents with others when you read books?
1R004 Restaurant
Do you like eating outside?
How often do you go to restaurant?
Quite often. I go to restaurants like three or maybe four times a week, at least. I am picky with food. I like those dishes with good tastes.
What are important factors for a good restaurant?
What restaurants do you often go to?
What’s the change of restaurants in the past years?
What sorts of food are popular in China?
1S002 Shopping
Do you like shopping?
Who do you go shopping with?
How often do you go shopping?
What do you like to buy?
Where do you like to go shopping?
Who does most shopping in your family?
What do you think of online shopping?
1S005 Sport
What sports do you often do?
What is your favorite sport?
Do you think students at schools should do sports?
What are the benefits of doing sports?
Do you think sports helps people to relax?
1S007 Sunshine
Do you like the sunshine? why or why not?
What do you like or dislike doing under the sunshine?
Do you want to move to areas with more sunshine or less sunshine?
Do people use solar energy in your country?
1S008 Swimming
Can you swim?
Where do you usually go to swim?
Do you think it’s important to learn swimming?
1T001 Teacher
Are there any teachers that you like very much?
What have you learnt from this teacher?
Would you like to be a teacher in the future?
Do you still contact your teachers?
Describe a teacher who impressed you most.
How do teachers give lectures in your country?
1T002 Time
Do you like to wear watches?
Do you think that time flies?
What do you think of the importance of time?
What is the best time of a day?
What was the first day like in your high school?
When did you use your mobile phone for the first time?
1T003 Transport
What transports are there in your city?
Which one is your favorite?
What do you think of your city’s transportation system?
1T005 TV program
Do you like watching TV?
Why do you like watching TV?
What’s your favorite program?
Do other people in your family like watching TV?
Do you often buy shoes?
Do you have a lot of shoes?
Do you like comfortable shoes?
What do you think of the fact that some people have a lot of shoes?
Do you think that history is important to us?
Why do people need to study history?
Indoor games
Do you like indoor games?
What kind of games do you play?
Do you like jewelry?
On what occasions do you wear jewelry?
Why do people wear jewelry?
Have you ever bought jewelry for others?
High school
第三章 Part 2 官方题目大全
校园生活 Campus
2CS001 Subject 科目
经历类话题 Experiences
2EA001 Advice 建议
2EC001 Car journey 汽车旅行=a situation when a lot of people smiled
2EC002 Childhood event 童年往事= a situation when a lot of people smiled
2ED001 Decision 决定
2EE001 Exciting experience 兴奋的经历
2EG002 Got up early 早起=happy time you had mobile phone
2EH001 Happy event=an occasion with a cake
2EH002 Help 帮助= a person who helped you=a person you helped
2EH003 Historical event 历史事件
2EI002 Interesting period of time 有趣的时光
2EL001 Learning English 学英语
2EP002 Positive change in your life 人生积极改变=achievement=something you did that made others feel positive
2ES002 Success in your life =positive comment on your work
2ES003 Success of friends 朋友的成功
休闲活动Hobbies 61
2HH001 Handicraft 手工艺品=traditional product
2HL001 leisure center 休闲中心
2HP001 Physical exercise=a sport you like to watch
2HR001 Relaxation method = a way of staying healthy
2HS001 Skill 技能
2HT001 TV program 电视节目
工作类话题 Jobs
2JC001 Company 公司
媒体类话题 Media
2MA001 Advertisement 广告
2MN001 News=good news
物品类话题 Objects
2OC001 Clothes or jewelry=favorite clothes=something bought recently that makes you happy
2FF001 Favorite book 书=a book you want to read again=an exciting book
2OF002 Furniture 家具
2OG001 Gift 礼物=a free gift
2OI001 Invention 发明
2OL001 Letter 信
2OO001 Old object=traditional product
2OS002 Something to own in future=the time you bought something advertised
2OW001 Work of art
人物类话题 People
2PL001 Leader 领导者=a businessman you admire
2PS003 Successful person 成功的=a clever person= a person who knows a lot
地点类话题 Venues
2VC001 City 城市
2VH001 House or flat=a perfect home=time you moved into a new home
2VL001 Leisure center= a facility you want to build in your town=leisure facility
2VP001 Park/garden 公园/花园= a place where people listen to music
2VW001 Water 江河湖海=an activity near beach=an interesting place that few people know about=a crowded place
准备了很久没做的事情 可以介绍跳伞,害怕了。
素材: 甜点店
素材: 戏剧社
素材: 跳伞
素材: 跆拳道
素材: 体育比赛
素材: 动漫
素材: 海滨城市
素材: 法国
素材: 罗马
素材: 意大利
素材: 马六甲
素材: 歌星
素材: 蔡依林
素材: 饮水机
素材: 健身手环
素材: X-box