
发布时间:2017/11/09 作者:小贵贵


  本文摘自学为贵朱宏老师的新浪微博(@朱宏-学为贵),原标题为《《寄宿还是走读》 雅思预测题高分范文!》,供贵粉儿备考使用!


  Some people think that it is better for children to go to boarding schools, while others think they should go to day schools. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

  本文采用起承转合方法写作,结合《雅思写作真经总纲》p102页15句逻辑框架结构高级版本。 对于任务呼应完整;连贯衔接清晰地当;词汇资源简单而丰富;语法结构多样而准确!嗯~~背了吧!

  Like  most Chinese children, I attended a day school. However, a minority of children do go to boarding schools, sometimes because parents believe the schools are better, sometimes because of their patents' occupations. Personally, I do not believe that either boarding schools or day schools offer a significant overall advantage to children.

  Boarding schools are ideal for parents whose work takes them days and nights, or who are otherwise unable to offer their children a 'normal' ?home life after school and at weekends. The children are looked ager by professionals and the children learn to be independent from their parents from an early age. These same reasons lead many parents to send their children to such schools even if they do not need to.

  Another reason that boarding schools are an attractive option is that they offer a more disciplined atmosphere, with children's time alloted to certain activities from the moment they rise in the morning until they rest at night. This is considered by the patents to be useful in later life.

  Boarding schools are expensive, so they are usually limited to high income families. As they have more money, they can provide better facilities and attract better teachers with higher salaries. This leads to greater opportunites for personal development for pupils.

  However, this 'exclusivity' is often the basis of arguments against boarding schools. Some people feel that pupils from their schools will think themselves inherently superior to others. This is one of the main benefits of going to a day school - the pupils are from various backgrounds. Day schools, unlike most boarding schools, are also mixed gender, giving boys and girls the chance to grow up together. DIfferent genders and backgrounds teach the children how to interact with various people, not just those similar to them. Obviously, this skill benefits young people in the long run.

  To conclude, I believe that both types of shcools have advantages in different areas. Families should decide for themselves which type they prefer to send their children to.


