学为贵满分帅哥的9分答案:Do you like your job?你是雅思考生的话,这个题目你很有可能会考到;你不考雅思,这个话题也很有可能会聊到。怎么聊能高分呢?帅哥是否有什么要吐槽的呢?Check out the video and find out!
雅思口语题目:Do you like your job?
回答:Yeah, I do. I quite like my current job mainly because of my boss. He's nice and easygoing and we get along pretty well. This is in stark contrast to my boss before. I mean, in my previous job, my boss liked to micromanage and wanted to have a finger in every pie. I didn't like him at all.
my current job 现在的工作
mainly because 主要因为
easygoing 随和的、平易近人的
get along 合得来、处的好
in stark contrast to sth 和…完全不同
micromanage 微观管理、啥啥都管
have a finger in every pie 什么都要管/参与