The benefits of staying in the same job for life (稳定工作的好处)
Employees have a stable career with one employer. (稳定的职业)
They have a good pension and health insurance. (好的退休金和健康保险)
Their salaries gradually increase.
They may be promoted within the organization. (升职机会多)
They demonstrate loyalty. (忠诚度高)
Experienced staff can be trusted with more responsibility.
They become part of a team.
There is a clearly defined path for development.
The benefits of not staying in the same job (更换工作的好处)
People often change jobs in order to further their career. (拓展事业)
Another company may offer a promotion or a higher salary. (获得升职机会或工资更高)
People who change jobs can gain experience, and they can learn different skills. (获得经验和技能)
Changing jobs is interesting and challenging.
People can retrain in a different occupation. (再培训)
In a fast-changing world, workers need to be flexible. (灵活,适应瞬息万变的社会)
People need to develop a range of experience and skills.