雅思词汇地道表达:a form of escapism

发布时间:2017/09/25 作者:小贵贵

  学为贵雅思培训项目部提供:雅思词汇地道表达:a form of escapism。


  今天帅哥教大家一个雅思词汇超级实用的表达,帮助大家聊N多话题(reading, music, magazines, TV, boating, sports, friends, family …)


  e.g. I like to row a boat alone on the lake in the park, especially on the weekend. It’s a form of escapism for me after a hard week at work.


  e.g. I have several close friends, not too many, and I really enjoy hanging out and chatting with them. I feel like being with friends is the best form of escapism.


  e.g. I know most people loathe doing housework, but I’m quite into it, especially when I’m sweeping the floor and doing the dishes. It’s a great form of escapism for me.

  music, instruments, reading, television …

  e.g. I study extremely hard at school and so I always feel worn-out at the end of the day. In order to relax, I just listen to music/play the piano/do some reading/watch TV for a while, which is a great form of escapism for me.


  reflect on my life 思考人生

  tight=close 亲密的

  a lot of effort 很麻烦

  time-consuming 耗费时间的

  do chores=do housework


