这次口语题库创作过程艰辛难以用语言表达,因为太全面了,简直吐血力作。part1 100%和剑桥题库相似,part2 100%和剑桥题库相似,part3 90%和剑桥题库相似。尤其是第三部分,问题简直太全面了,几乎涵盖了大多数可能被问到的问题。我们是2017年剑桥雅思口语官方题库,不是预测,意思是所有的问题(part123)都在里面,同学们拿到题库完全可以更自信,更有效,更好的备考,而且留出了空白地方方便大家建立观点备考。题库备考可以结合公共微信《单词遇上句子》学习(bobo-IELTS)
因为题库之强大和这段时间付出的心血,希望考生也珍惜和认真使用,所以需要题库的同学们加波波老师助理的微信 微信号:bobo-yasi 获得PDF完整版题库
Part One:
How do you remind yourself to be on time?
Why are some people always late?
Do you think it’s important to be punctual/ to be on time?
What will you do if you are waiting for someone?
Do you think modern people are as punctual as they were in the past?
What excuses do you use when you are late?
Do you like it when others are late?
In your country, do people forgive others when they are late?
How do you think you could improve and be on time more often?
Part Two:
Describe someone who is knowledgeable
You should say:
Who this person is
How youknow this person
What kinds of things he or she knows
How you think of this person
Part Three:
Internet and books, which can providehelpful learning materials?
Do you think books will disappear inthe future?
If it is just about gaininginformation, why is it necessary for books to exist?
Nowadays, many people rely on theInternet very much, what do you think about it?
How could people find reliableinformation on the Internet?
Do you think it’s better to studyindependently or study in a group?
Do you think it’s better to be a topperson in one thing or know a little about all aspects of knowledge?
Part One:
How do you remind yourself to be on time?
Why are some people always late?
Do you think it’s important to be punctual/ to be on time?
What will you do if you are waiting for someone?
Do you think modern people are as punctual as they were in the past?
What excuses do you use when you are late?
Do you like it when others are late?
In your country, do people forgive others when they are late?
How do you think you could improve and be on time more often?
Part Two:
Describe someone who is knowledgeable
You should say:
Who this person is
How you know this person
What kinds of things he or she knows
How you think of this person
Part Three:
Part 3 –Two-way discussion
Internet and books, which can providehelpful learning materials?
Do you think books will disappear inthe future?
If it is just about gaininginformation, why is it necessary for books to exist?
Nowadays, many people rely on theInternet very much, what do you think about it?
How could people find reliableinformation on the Internet?
Do you think it’s better to studyindependently or study in a group?
Do you think it’s better to be a topperson in one thing or know a little about all aspects of knowledge?
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