
发布时间:2017/09/13 作者:小贵贵




  hit on someone 与某人调情

  e.g. I was very uncomfortable when my friend's father started hitting on me. He's 30 years older than me - and married.

  ask someone out 约某人出去

  e.g. I tried to ask her out but she turned me down.

  lead someone on 使某人误以为对方喜欢他/她

  e.g. I'm not interested in starting a relationship right now, so I don't want to lead him on.

  hit it off with someone 和某人投缘

  e.g. My best friend really hit it off with my cousin - after I introduced them, they spent hours and hours talking.

  fall for someone 爱上某人

  e.g. I think I'm falling for my co-worker - what should I do? Should I tell him how I feel, or just keep quiet?

  split up / break up 分手

  e.g. I split up with my ex because she was seeing three people at the same time.

  drift apart 疏远

  e.g. We drifted apart because we realized we had very different interests and plans for the future.

  hook up with 与某人开始交往、与某人一夜情

  e.g. Samuel likes to brag about how many women he's hooked up with.

  make up (与某人)言归于好

  e.g. My husband and I always make up pretty fast after an argument - we don't stay angry at each other for very long.

  put up with someone / something 忍受某人

  e.g. My girlfriend is constantly late - it's annoying, but I love her so I put up with it.

  cheat on someone 对某人不忠/不贞

  e.g. Vanessa was furious when she found out that her husband had been cheating on her with her sister.

  make out with someone 与某人亲热

  e.g. Lisa caught her boyfriend making out with her classmate.

  go out with someone 和某人约会/在一起

  e.g. Barbara and I went out a few times, but it never really went anywhere - we're just not very compatible.


