
发布时间:2017/09/11 作者:小贵贵



  这是9.9的大陆task2题目:Some people believe that any money the government spends on supporting artists (like painters, musicians and poets) should be better spent on other important things. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


  Money of any government is not inexhaustible, so leaders of a country are always entangled with the question of how to best allocate the limited budget. Some people argue that every penny should be spent on major improvements of citizens’ standard of living rather than supporting those creating artworks. I completely disagree with this opinion.

  While it is true that the government is expected and obligated to build a society in which roads are broader, living costs are lower, and literacy rates are higher, I strongly believe that government investment in assisting artists is equally worthwhile. Well-supported artists are able to make significant contributions to both individuals and the society.

  From an individual perspective, people could enjoy more beauty and vision with the creation of well subsidized artists. Without worrying about making a living, musicians and writers are more able to produce better music smoothing listeners stressed out by fast paced life and better books inspiring readers bored with daily routine.

  From an economic and cultural perspective, it seems that there is a clear justification for a city investing in art. With regard to the former, it has been proven that art can be a highly profitable business. For example, a pop star who has benefited from general art education financed by local government may hold many concerts that not only sell tickets worth millions of pounds, but also get hundreds of local people hired. As for cultural values, sufficient government investment in art-related programmes helps to remain diversity and authenticity of local culture. Without the subsidies, there would be no incentive for people to research and record the ancient ways of living.

  In conclusion, I would argue that the value of art is not inferior to that of any other major services. Therefore, the decision to spend government money supporting artists should not be doubted. 



