雅思口语native speaker答案分享:body language,body language是沟通中非常重要的一部分,也是雅思口语Part3经常出现的题目。关于body language的各种词汇表达也可以使用到Part1和Part2的很多话题中。学为贵今天来学习几道native speaker写的与之相关的雅思口语答案。
Q) In what way is body language a form of communication?
A) Well, people use body language to send a message or to indicate something so it is definitely a way to communicate. For example, when people raise their eyebrows, it often means they are incredulous or disbelieving and when they tap their foot on the floor, you know they are impatient. So, using facial expressions and physical actions can communicate things to other people.
send a message 传递信息
indicate 暗示、表明
raise eyebrows 抬起眉毛
incredulous, disbelieving 不相信的、怀疑的
tap foot on the floor 跺脚、用脚敲打地面
impatient 不耐烦的
Q) Do you think it is possible to misunderstand someone’s body language?
A) Yes, definitely. When someone avoids your eye, it is possible to think that they are avoiding your question and don’t want to talk to you. But really, it might be that they are just shy. So, it’s quite easy to grasp the wrong meaning in people’s actions.
avoid your eye 避免眼神接触
shy 害羞的
grasp 理解
Q) Describe a time you were late for an appointment.
A) I remember, about one month ago, organising to meet someone in the town center at 9pm. Unfortunately, I was delayed because of traffic and didn’t arrive until about 9.30pm. My friend was really mad. She had her arms crossed and was tapping her foot impatiently on the ground. I was so embarrassed and blushed a lot. I stammered my apology but felt really uncomfortable because she was staring at me with angry eyes. Anyway, we sorted out our differences and have been really good friends ever since.
(this is an example of part of a talk for speaking part 2 – add details and descriptions)
mad 非常生气的
arms crossed 双手抱臂
blush 脸红
stammer 结巴着说
stare at me 瞪着我
sort out sth 处理(问题)