雅思写作范文:computer games

发布时间:2017/07/10 作者:小贵贵

  学为贵雅思培训项目部提供:雅思写作范文:computer games。


  帅哥给大家分享一道雅思写作高分范文,关于computer games,大家学习一下文章结构、作者的思路和观点、以及所用加分词汇。


  An increasing trend nowadays is for young adults to play computer games. Some people say this is a negative development. Discuss and give your opinion.


  There can be little doubt that more and more people are becoming addicted to computer games and this is especially true for young adults. My view is this is a dangerous development for both society and the people concerned.

  The dangers to society of computer gaming addiction among young adults are clear. There is strong evidence to show that there is a connection between violent crime and playing games that do not respect human life. It has been shown for instance that while there is little harm in a few hours of recreational gaming a week, people who spend many hours a day at their gaming consoles are much more likely to commit crimes. This is particularly true of young men in their twenties and thirties who are typically the section of society who become most addicted to games.

  The problems that too much gaming can cause young adults as individuals are equally apparent. One particular problem is that they are at a stage of life when they need to concentrate on establishing relationships and perhaps starting families. Again there is evidence to show that people who play too many games find it more difficult to build a lasting relationship and if they do, they provide a poor example to their children.

  Another set of problems that gaming addiction can cause in this age bracket is at work. This is because too much gaming can cause loss of concentration and that in turn can lead to reduced efficiency in the workplace. This is of course a problem for the company and may also lead to the individual failing to get promotion or even being fired.

  In conclusion my own view is very clear. The growth of the gaming habit among young adults can have negative effects for society as a whole and individuals both at home and at work.


