Help them understand that they’re not abnormal.
Don’t say things like “You weren’t always this anxious” and “Why are you so complicated?”
千万不要说“你为什么总是这么焦虑”或者“你怎么那么多事儿”之类的话。Seriously, this doesn’t help anyone.
Learn to notice their signs of an oncoming anxiety attack.
提前观察到即将发作的焦虑迹象:在事情变得更坏之前,将焦虑情绪扼杀在摇篮里!Before it gets bad, some people might experience things like difficulty speaking, hearing, or breathing. Watching out for these signs can make you more effective at helping a loved one.
Talk with them about what makes them feel anxious.
聊一聊什么事情让她感到焦虑:Don’t be afraid to bring it up. Sometimes talking it out can actually help someone better understand what they’re going through.