I quite love walking in the sun without sun cream, simply because I can have a great tan. You know I could be smoking hot and it’s easy to hit on boys or girls.
walking in the sun 阳光下散步
without sun cream 不涂防晒霜
have a great tan 晒得黝黑
smoking hot 超级火辣性感
hit on boys or girls 和男孩或女孩搭讪
In fact I am not really good at managing time. I often complete something, say my final paper, in a hurry like a cat on hot bricks. You know I always dilly dally, and it’s easy for me to distract. See that and have a look at this. I have no sense of time.
in a hurry 匆匆忙忙
like a cat on hot bricks 像热锅上的蚂蚁
dilly dally 拖拖拉拉
Distract 分散注意力
have no sense of time 毫无时间观念
The Fate of the Furious is on and really hot recently. People around me are always talking about it. So I also wanna go to a cinema with a bowl of popcorn and coke and enjoy it.
The Fate of the Furious 速度与激情8
On 上映
hot 受欢迎的
a bowl of popcorn 一碗爆米花