Trees and green areas create a peaceful living environment (创造安静的居住环境) which promotes a better living standard and better mental health. Trees produce oxygen (产生氧气) which can counteract (抵消 中和 counteract sth.) heavy pollution in cities and create a better quality of air(提高空气质量). 2.吸收热量,提供阴凉 Heat in cities can be better controlled by having more trees whichfilter(过滤) the sun’s heat and offer shade(提供遮阳/阴凉 provide shelter). This ultimately lowers the temperature(降温). 3.随时随地,亲近大自然 Planting more trees in urban areas brings nature into cities(把自然带到城市), which is beneficial to (= can benefit sb. 对某人有好处)people without access to rural areas. 4.吸收噪音,放松心情 Noise levels (噪音水平)can also be reduced by planting trees which can act as a buffer(作为缓冲区) against sound. 5.享受舒适环境,降低犯罪率! Planting more trees can make the living environment more pleasant (舒适的) which is thought to reduce crime to some extent. Trees encouragepeople to enjoy their neighbourhood (享受邻里关系) and be more active in it, which deters petty crime(阻止轻微犯罪). 6.促进生态循环 Trees offer urban wildlife a better environment to live in and play a part in the ecosystem of a city. (在城市的生态循环中扮演重要的一部分). 鱼儿老师温馨小语 大家可以联想下2015年的雅思写作话题,用我们今天学到的表达完成这篇习作:(当然,我们今天学到的表达也可以应用到口语中哦~) Some people think it is more important to plant more trees in open area in towns and cities than to provide more housing. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 是否同意城市应该多种树而不是建房屋? (鱼儿老师整理自 http://ieltsliz.com/city-housing-and-trees-essay-question/ ) 下载学为贵雅思APP,免费抢位英语名师早听早过公益课 欢迎关注学为贵公众微信号:xueweiguiol,更多实用雅思干货和福利