雅思口语Part 3 语料积累(怎么样做一部叫好又叫座的电影):
Part 3 questions.
1. How to make a successful film?
2. What are the key factors that make a film successful?
From the topic: 'Describe your favorite film'.
1.Writing a compelling script is the foundation of every successful movie.
Writing a compelling script is the foundation of every successful movie:一个好剧本是一部好电影的根基。
2.Develop a reasonable budget and follow it.Make sure the budget includes funds for all aspects of production.
Develop a reasonable budget and follow it:制定合理的预算,并且要跟着走。
3.Cast talented actors.If possible,cast recognizable faces.Stars draw audiences to the box office.
4.The director is a key person whose vision and leadership will make a movie a success.
The director is a key person whose vision and leadership will make a movie a success:导演是一个关键人物。他的远见和领导力将会决定一部电影的成败。
5.Promote the movie.Once the film is complete,marketing and promotion are essential.No matter how compelling the story is,how good the actors are or how respected the director is,the movie will not be successful if no one knows about it.
Once the film is complete,marketing and promotion are essential:一旦电影制作完毕,市场和推广就变得至关重要。
the movie will not be successful if no one knows about it:再好的电影,没有人知道, 就什么都不是