雅思口语Part 3 语料积累 (搬家的理由):
Move house related Part 3 questions. 1. Why do people move house? 2. What are the benefits of moving to a new house/apartment? From the topic: 'Describe someone who just moved home' , ' Describe an experience that you moved to a new home'.
1.It’s pretty common to relocate for a new job in another city.Long commutes and heavy traffic mean more and more people are looking to move closer to their place of work.
It’s pretty common to relocate for a new job in another city:因为工作搬家的情况经常发生。
Long commutes and heavy traffic mean more and more people are looking to move closer to their place of work:经常长途跋涉去工作的人也会更愿意搬家到离开公司更近的地方。
2.Sometimes,you just need a change.Starting fresh in a different place allows one to make new friends,pick up new hobbies,explore new career paths.
Starting fresh in a different place allows one to make new friends,pick up new hobbies,explore new career paths:来到一个新的地方重新开始,会给你带来更多的机会,新的朋友,还有新的爱好和习惯。
3.When children come along,or when they’re old enough to need a room of their own,many families move into bigger homes that will fit them better.
When children come along,or when they’re old enough to need a room of their own,many families move into bigger homes that will fit them better:家里要多一个孩子,或者孩子们长大了需要自己的空间了,很多的家庭都会选择搬到更大的房子。
4.Upgrading to a bigger,better,newer home is often a way of rewarding oneself for years of hard work and wise fiscal behavior.
Upgrading to a bigger,better,newer home is often a way of rewarding oneself for years of hard work and wise fiscal behavior:改善居住环境是大部分人在事业有成后做的第一件事情,同时也是一个明智的理财选择。