今天学为贵的刘伟老师和大家分享的雅思口语Part1/2 素材库:flat+shoes,聊聊时尚的那些事,这里希望大家可以更好地充分地应考雅思口语哦~
雅思口语Part1/2 素材库:flat+shoes
Well, if I had enough money, I would like to live in a spacious house, where I could do whatever I want, like raising pet dogs, collecting car models, things like that. Can you believe since I was young, I have been dreaming about it.
do whatever I want 为所欲为
raising pet dogs 养宠物狗
things like that 诸如此类
Can you believe... 你相信吗?...
Well, if I were a billionaire, I would buy tons of fancy shoes and bags, because I’m always catching the latest trend. What I have been dreaming about since I was young is to own a runway exhibition.
catching the latest trend 紧跟时尚潮流
to own runway exhibition 拥有自己的的T台秀