雅思口语Part 3 语料积累(怎么吸引更多的顾客):
Service related Part 3 questions:
How to get more customers?
What can small shops do to win customers from big stores?
From the topics ' Describe a successful small business ',' Describe a shop that just opened in your hometown '.
1.Shoppers love unique presentations that show them how useful your product is.Set up a table on the sidewalk and give a demo about how to use one of your items.If there’s a little secret to make your product work well, show it off!
Shoppers love unique presentations that show them how useful your product is:顾客们都喜欢独特的展品展示。他们想要知道店家的展品到底有多有用。
2.Don’t forget to advertise the workshop online in order to bring in bigger crowds.Don’t be afraid to show off to attract more customers to your store.
Don’t forget to advertise the workshop online in order to bring in bigger crowds.Don’t be afraid to show off to attract more customers to your store:在线宣传一样要做起来,这样可以吸引到更多的客户。
3.Treat your customers like royalty.The best thing you can give a customer is a smile and kind word.Help everyone as best you can.Give customers quick resolutions and a good attitude,and they will grow attached to your employees and store.
Treat your customers like royalty:你的顾客就是皇亲国戚,必须好好对待。
Give customers quick resolutions and a good attitude,and they will grow attached to your employees and store:帮客户找到他们需要的东西, 并且用心对待他们,最终会帮助你培养起一批忠实的顾客。