雅思口语Part 3 语料:成功人士的品质

发布时间:2017/04/10 作者:小歪


雅思口语Part 3 语料积累(成功人士的品质):

Success related Part 3 questions. 

1. What do successful people have in common?

2. What qualities do leaders have in common?

3. What are the differences between successful people and ordinary people?

From the topic ' Describe someone who made you proud ' , 'Describe a leader ' , 'Describe a successful person in your country '. 



1.They have good intuition and aren't afraid to make hard choices and willing to fail in order to eventually succeed.They learn from each failure, as it will help them make better decisions that lead to success later.


They have good intuition and aren't afraid to make hard choices and willing to fail in order to eventually succeed:他们有敏锐的直觉,而且他们不怕做困难的决定。而且为了获得最终的成功,他们愿意接受暂时的失败。


2.They set real goals that they can accomplish.Successful people wake up and they've already planned their day.Their goals are very focused.They know what they are capable of and will invest all of their efforts in it.


They set real goals that they can accomplish:他们只做他们能力范围内的目标。

They know what they are capable of and will invest all of their efforts in it:他们会尽全力去做他们能做到的所有的事情。

3.They are life-long learners who push themselves out of their comfort zones.They are constantly learning new things.They aren't afraid to try new things and to fail at them.


They are life-long learners who push themselves out of their comfort zones:他们坚信学习是一辈子的事情。

4.They are more excited about the journey than the pay out.They focus on building sustainable careers through hard work,risk taking and creativity.They enjoy the journey,despite the obstacles,because they are doing something that has meaning in their lives.


They are more excited about the journey than the pay out:他们更在意做一件事情的过程而不是最后的结果。

They focus on building sustainable careers through hard work,risk taking and creativity:他们会脚踏实地通过努力工作,(合理的)冒险,和创意,来打造可持续发展的职业生涯。


