
发布时间:2017/04/05 作者:小歪


雅思口语Part 3 语料积累(大公司与小公司的不同,职业选择)

Workplace related Part3 questions.

  1. What are the differences between big companies and small companies?

  2. What kind of company do you prefer to work in the future?

  3. From your perspective,which is better?Why?

From the topic :Describe a well-paid job you want to do in the future / Describe a small business.



Big comapnies are more bureaucratic.There are more hoops you have to jump through to get anything done.Small businesses,on the other hand,tend to have less bureaucracy,less organization and less complexity.


Big comapnies are more bureaucratic:大公司官僚主义比较严重。

Small businesses,on the other hand,tend to have less bureaucracy,less organization and less complexity:小公司相对比较单纯。

2.If you work in a large company,it's likely you’ll only get to know the people you work with.At a small company,you'll probably know everyone from the receptionist all the way up to the boss.


If you work in a large company,it's likely you’ll only get to know the people you work with:在大公司工作,你可能只认识你自己部门的人。

you'll probably know everyone from the receptionist all the way up to the boss:而在小公司你可能从前台到老板都很熟悉。

3.Small businesses typically have fewer rules and thus more flexibility in the work life balance. 


Small businesses typically have fewer rules and thus more flexibility in the work life balance:小公司规矩比较少。工作环境比较宽松。在里面工作的人可以做到工作生活两头兼顾。

4.Opportunities abound at big companies.Most of the time at a large company,there're more opportunities to grow.After all,large companies typically have a structure in place to move up the career ladder.


Opportunities abound at big companies:大公司充满着各种机会。

After all, large companies typically have a structure in place to move up the career ladder:总之大公司拥有更完善的体系。在里面工作的人会有更好的职业规划。


