在雅思口语Part3 的考试中,你是不是会遇到无话可说的尴尬境遇呢这里积累更多地道的语料才能让你避免这样的现象,今天学为贵朱国伟老师为大家带来的雅思口语part3 的话题语料是成名的好处,这就赶紧来看看吧~
雅思口语Part 3 语料积累(成名的好处)
Fame related Part3 questions. What are the good points of being famous? What does fame bring to us? What do celebrities have that ordinary people don't? From the topic ' Describe a famous person ','Describe a creative musician or inventor'.
1.You'll be treated specially,well respected and supported.You’ll haveenormous influence because you have followers who are proud of you and willing to die for you.That also means power,money,and social status.
You'll be treated specially,well respected and supported:你会得到特殊的待遇,支持,和别人的尊重。
You’ll have enormous influence because you have followers who are proud of you and willing to die for you:你将会拥有巨大的影响力。因为你的跟随者为你骄傲,他们愿意为你做所有的事情。
social status:社会地位。
2.People would surely believe in you more than anyone else (except their friends or relatives) and support you in whatever you are doing.
People would surely believe in you more than anyone else (except their friends or relatives) and support you in whatever you are doing:除了他们的朋友和家人外, 他们更信任(那些名人), 而且愿意去支持他们在做的所有事情。
3.You would know more people who wish to befriend you for being who you are as a famous person and would even volunteer to know you more and make a better relationship with you.
You would know more people who wish to befriend you for being who you are as a famous person:很多人会因为你是名人而想和你做朋友。
volunteer to know you more and make a better relationship with you:甚至他们会主动的想更了解你。