从雅思口语浅谈TV + ads

发布时间:2017/03/31 作者:小歪

今天学为贵刘伟老师和大家分享的雅思口语素材是有关TV + ads,一起聊聊TV + ads,还有更多雅思口语素材为大家提供学习哦~

雅思口语Part1/2 素材库:TV + ads

Gee, watching TV is not my thing because nowadays the TV programs are full of ads and they’re so boring and dull. You know when you turn on a TV, what jumps/comes to your eyes is ads, ads and ads. I’ve already quit TV since I entered my uni.


Gee 表示犹豫的语气词

...is not my thing ...不是我喜欢的

what jumps/comes to your eyes is... 映入眼帘的是...

ads, ads and ads 广告,广告,广告(重要的事说三遍,不管它是英文还是汉语)

quit TV 戒电视

entered my uni 进入大学

Well, many TV stations rely on ads, because TV stations make money by playing ads, especially those prime/golden time commercials. Without them, I think many local TV stations will shut down.


rely on 依赖

by playing ads 以播放广告的形式

prime/golden time commercials 黄金时段商业广告

shut down 倒闭


