
发布时间:2017/04/02 作者:小歪


Part 3 语料积累(邻里关系的重要性):

Neighbor relation related Part 3 questions.

  1. Is it important to keep a good neighbor relationship?

  2. What benefits do we get from a strong neighbor relationship?

From the topic ' Describe an interesting neighbor' .



1.If you know your neighbors,they’re more likely to alert you in times of trouble,like an attempted break-in at your apartment,a potential theft of your car.In such cases,good neighbors will not only alert you,but also call the police on your behalf.


If you know your neighbors,they’re more likely to alert you in times of trouble, like an attempted break-in at your apartment,a potential theft of your car:如果你认识你的邻居,那么当你遇到麻烦的时候(比如有人要入室打劫,或者偷车)他们会提醒你。

call the police on your behalf:帮你报警。

2.If you have pets,you may have a problem when it’s time to leave for vacation or go on a businesstrip.By getting to know your neighbors in advance,you might find someone that's willing to pet sit for you.


If you have pets,you may have a problem when it’s time to leave for vacation or go on a businesstrip:如果你有宠物的话,那当你去度假或者出差的时候,你就会担心没有人照顾他们。

3.Though most parents have a few people to call when they need childcare,unexpected events can leave them without someone to watch their children.A neighbor who is a stay-at-home parent or retiree may be willing to help in such circumstances.


unexpected events can leave them without someone to watch their children:一些突发情况会让家长们措手不及,他们可能一时半会都找不到人来帮忙。

A neighbor who is a stay-at-home parent or retiree may be willing to help in such circumstances:在这样的情况下,那些待在家里带孩子的家长, 或者已经退休的邻居, 一定能助你一臂之力。


4.Good neighbor relationships have social advantages.If you get along well with your neighbors,they may invite you to parties and other events, which are good for building up new connections.


Good neighbor relationships have social advantages:良好的邻里关系可以带来社交集会。

they may invite you to parties and other events, which are good for building up new connections:他们会邀请你参加一些聚会,或者是活动。而这些活动可以帮助你来拓展自己的社交圈。



