
发布时间:2017/03/27 作者:小歪


Part 3 语料积累(居住在大城市的理由):

City life related Part 3 questions.

Why do some people leave their hometown for big cities?

What are the benefits of living in big cities?

Do you think old people should live in big cities or countryside?why?

From the topic 'Describe an experience you had in the countryside' .


1.Most big cities boast convenient public transportation.They have well-developed bus and train systems that run regularly and offer affordable rates.This can make travelling from one location to another much more convenient and cost-effective.


Most big cities boast convenient public transportation:大城市拥有便捷的公共交通系统。

They have well-developed bus and train systems that run regularly and offer affordable rates:他们拥有发达的公车和地铁(火车)系统。全天不停歇的为市民提供服务,而且收费合理。

2.The entertainment and culture can be a big reason to settle in a big city .Most big cities have plenty of options for spending your free time.

You may visit local museums,some cultural attractions,or immense yourself in art in a theater or an art gallery.


The entertainment and culture can be a big reason to settle in a big city :大城市里的娱乐文化设施也是一个在大城市定居的理由。

immense yourself in art in a theater or an art gallery:在艺术馆中沉浸在美妙的艺术中。

3.Cities have unlimited social potential for networking.Urban life offers a chance to broaden your professional contacts and personal relationships. 


Cities have unlimited social potential for networking:城市中有无限的社交的机会。

broaden your professional contacts and personal relationships:拓展你的职业人脉圈和生活的社交圈。

4.Medical care in rural areas simply can not compete with the options available in a big city.Living in a city allows the opportunity to get care in a major medical institution,and service and assistance for seniors. 


Medical care in rural areas simply can not compete with the options available in a big city:乡下(偏远地区)的医疗服务肯定不能和大城市相提并论。

Living in a city allows the opportunity to get care in a major medical institution,and services and assistance for seniors:生活在城市里意味着你在生病的时候可以在大型医院接受治疗,而老人们则可以获得更好的养老服务。




