
发布时间:2017/03/23 作者:小歪


TNCs (transnational corporations) or multinational corporations(MNCs)(跨国公司) are companies that operate in more than onecountry. They often have factories in countries that are not as economically developed (经济不发达的)because labour is cheaper. Offices and headquarters(总部) tend to(倾向于) be located in the more developed world. Unilever(联合利华), McDonalds and Apple are all examples ofTNCs.

When a TNC locates within a country, there are advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of TNCs locating in a country include:

creation of jobs  (create enormous employment opportunities带来工作机会)

stable income and more reliable than farming 稳定的收入

improved education and skills 改善教育,技能提高

investment in infrastructure, eg new roads - helps locals as well as the TNC 投资基础设施

help to exploit natural resources 帮助开发自然资源

a better developed economic base for the country更好的经济基础


Disadvantages of TNCs locating in a country include:

fewer workers employed, considering the scale of investment  雇佣的工人减少

poorer working conditions恶劣的工作条件

damage to the environment by ignoring local laws  忽视当地法律损害环境

profits going to companies overseas rather than locals 外国公司获得利益

little reinvestment in the local area  很少再次投资当地

factories are often footloose(不受束缚的,adj. and jobs insecure. If labour costs increase, the company may move elsewhere工厂不受约束,工作不安全

natural resources being over-exploited 自然资源过度开发



Clearly, global trade has created enormous job opportunities for many countries. In this world, some countries’ economies depend heavily on(严重依赖) exports, and in the meantime, (与此同时,是介词短语,要注意不是连词哦)other countries have to import raw materials (原材料)or products such as oil, steel(钢铁) and food from their neighbours. So, global trade benefitsbenefit sb. 使某人受益;词简单但精炼) almost every country and allows the world economy to (=enable sb. to do sth. 使能够/变得) be stable and prosperous(繁荣的).  (范文摘选自《雅思写作真经总纲》P145 )




