雅思口语Part 3 语料积累(学历史的重要性):
History related Part 3 questions. Why should we learn history? Do you think history should be an important subject in school? What can we benefit from learning history? From the topic ' Describe an important historical event '.
History can provide facts and examples on how others have dealt with similar problems,issues,failures and breakdowns.In other words,learning history helps us make better decision now and for the future.
History can provide facts and examples on how others have dealt with similar problems,issues,failures and breakdowns:历史中有大量的前车之鉴, 学习历史可以使我们少走弯路。
learning history helps us make better decision now and for the future:学习历史可以帮助我们在当下和未来做更好的决定。
2.History serves as the memory and experience of the human race.Understanding who we are helps determine who we will become.
History serves as the memory and experience of the human race:历史是我们人类记忆和经验的总和。
Understanding who we are helps determine who we will become:学习历史可以让我们认清自己从而在将来做更好的自己。
3.Finding out about the past is just fun,interesting,exciting,and fascinating!It is awesome to impress people at parties by telling them about those historical events .
Finding out about the past is just fun,interesting,exciting,and fascinating:了解过去是很有意思的事情。
It is awesome to impress people at parties by telling them about those historical events:在聚会的时候如果可以就一件历史事件侃侃而谈, 那太酷了。