雅思口语Part 3 语料积累(怎么才能出名):
Fame related Part 3 questions Can ordinary people be famous? What can we do to be famous? From the topic 'Describe a famous person'.
1. 熟读下面的段落,直到你可以脱口而出。
2. 打黑体字的部分可以单独放在你想说的话中。灵活使用这些素材可以大大的提升你说话的质感。
3. 在实战中,应结合自己的实际语言水平去使用。不要强求自己去说拗口的词语。保证流利度对于各位来说至关重要。
4. 看完请在留言处打卡。坚持就是胜利。
1. Apply for reality television programs.Watch lots of reality programs and figure out what might work best for you.Reality celebrities are often front page news.They get huge public attention.It’s a good way to be famous .
Watch lots of reality programs and figure out what might work best for you:多看一些真人秀, 然后找到能让你出名的方法。
Reality celebrities are often front page news:那些真人秀的名人都是报纸,杂志头版的常客。
They get huge public attention:他们都会获得公众巨大的关注。
2. Develop relationships with famous people.Hanging out at famous bars and befriending or even developing romantic relationships with famous people is a way of becoming famous.
Hanging out at famous bars and befriending or even developing romantic relationships with famous people is a way of becoming famous:在一些著名的酒吧逗留, 和名人成为朋友甚至找机会和他们谈恋爱都会带来成名的机会。
3. Distinguish yourself on the internet.Making humorous YouTube videos is a good way to become famous.After that,you can create a following on Facebook and Twitter(blog,Instagram) to keep in touch with your fans.
Making humorous YouTube videos is a good way to become famous:录一些幽默的Youtube短片也会带来成名的机会。