31. we cannot construct things when birds are nesting 32. through collecting feedback from the public comment 33. this project is outstanding because the (1)no-native animals and (2) farming 34. 1930s: fishing 35. 1950s: mining 36. remove gas from ocean 37. convert plants to a liquid 38. noise form ocean in Australia, which puts pressure on marine creatures 39. turtles attact predators like: crocodiles will attack (not sharks) when turtles are laying eggs 40. personal pets will have impacts; expecially the rats 2、可持续发展讲座 31. lecture aim: the analysis of confusion 32. sustainability for future generations 33. no much mention of environment 34. poor country should have the same rights as rich country to natural resource 35. Synonym for green but need time for technology to offer solution 36. eg. Besides solar and wind energy Sustainable lobby was used for development in nuclear power 37. Example: Take Research on Electric cars, bulid up more station on roads instead of better battery 38. 75% 39. in the use of natural resources: such as sun flowers or wheat which consumed much less water instead of corn Sustainable lobby was used for ...... 40. the people faced water problem is to change of our diet 加QQ群:317774186,更多学为贵英语干货资料,和小伙伴一起交流学习英语~ 下载学为贵雅思APP,免费抢位英语名师早听早过公益课 欢迎关注学为贵公众微信号:xueweiguiol,更多实用雅思干货和福利