雅思口语Part 3 语料:智能手机

发布时间:2017/03/06 作者:小歪


雅思口语Part 3 语料积累 (智能手机)

Smartphone related Part 3 questions. 

1.How have smartphones changed our lives?

2.Do you think smartphones have changed our way of communication and getting information? 

3.What do you think about those changes?Why ?

1.A smartphone is a combination of a phone,a map,a camera,a video recorder,a video-gaming device,a portable music player,and a laptop.In the past,if you wanted to have all of those things,you had to carry all of those things.But now,you just need to put your smartphone in your pocket.


A smartphone is a combination of a phone,a map,a camera,a video recorder,a  video-gaming device,a portable music player,and a laptop:智能手机把手机,地图,照相机,录像机,游戏机,移动音乐播放器,合在了一起。

2.If you've got a smartphone,that means camera,video and sound recording abilities.All this means that,with no planning whatsoever,we're able to document our lives quickly and easily when the desire strikes.


with no planning whatsoever,we're able to document our lives quickly and easily when the desire strikes:在没有任何计划的情况下,我们就可以快速, 轻松的去记录我们生活的点滴。

3.The way we consume information has changed.Today we can access any kind of information 24/7,wherever we are.That’s very convenient .Same is true for communication.Our smartphones offer us several ways of communication:calls,text messaging,instant messaging,email,social media,blogs,etc.


The way we consume information has changed:我们接收信息的方式已经和以往不同。

Today we can access any kind of information 24/7,wherever we are.That’s both,convenient and overwhelming:今天无论我们在哪里,我们都可以24小时的去接收到任意信息。

Our smartphone offers us several ways of communication:calls,text messaging,instant messaging,email,social media,blogs,etc:我们的智能手机提供给了我们不同的通讯方式。我们可以打电话, 发信息, 邮件,微博, 或者使用其它的社交软件。

4.We are constantly connected and expected to have a mobile phone with us all the time.Of course,that’s convenient,but being available 24/7 is tiring.It’s a blessing and a curse.Today it’s like you never leave the office.


We are constantly connected and expected to have a mobile phone with us all the time:(因为有了手机) 我们就被期待能够随时被联系到。




