雅思口语Part 3 语料积累(关于中国家庭single child的系列问题)
Single-child related part 3 questions.
1.What are the benefits/shortcomings of having one child?
2.Why do most chinese families tend to have a small family?
3.Do you think in the future,there will be more chinese families tend to have more chilren?
The only child must feel extremely loved and attended to.Having only one child allows parents to pay more attention to the emotional needs of the single child because there isn’t another child.
Having only one child allows parents to pay more attention to the emotional needs of the single child:在独生子女家庭,家长会更多的去关注到孩子的情感需求。
The only child has no chance to experience the relationship with one or more siblings.According to some experts,kids often feel that their strongest ally and most trusted partner in the family is their sibling or siblings.A sibling relationship helps children to learn how to navigate relationship struggles and to learn about sharing as they grow up.
A sibling relationship helps children to learn how to navigate relationship struggles and to learn about sharing as they grow up:兄妹情可以帮助孩子们在成长中去学习怎么面对情感波折,和与他人分享。
For many couples,it has become very costly to have kids in China.To prepare a child to succeed in the country's competitive schools and workplaces, parents must invest lots of time and money in a child -- for schooling, extra curricular activities, and outside tutoring, often for college-entrance exam.The investment is just so big that most parents couldn't afford to do the same for two.
To prepare a child to succeed in the country's competitive schools and workplaces, parents must invest lots of time and money in a child -- for schooling, extra curricular activities, and outside tutoring:为了让孩子能够在中国充满竞争的学校和工作环境中脱颖而出,家长在孩子身上投资了太多的时间和金钱。上学,课外活动,和补习成为了家长巨大的负担。
Hefty expenses for housing, especially in China's major cities, can also eat up money that Chinese people would otherwise spend on their kids.
Hefty expenses for housing can also eat up money that Chinese people would otherwise spend on their kids:昂贵的房价也使得中国家庭无法再承担再多要一个孩子的费用。