>>>> 剑10 Test 1 Section 1:
1. …Good morning. I want some information on self-drive tours in the USA. (self-drive tour是自驾游啊,口语中还有个替换词road trip不过两个单词意思略有不同,road trip更自由些,也就是不太在乎目的地,而更注重路途的风景和享受这个过程;self-drive tour就是说你是奔着目的地去的,所以road trip相对来说更符合咱们中国人的自驾游。)
2. Could~you send me a brochure? (听力高频单词,常见的同义替换单词有guide book/leaflet宣传单,宣传册,景点的小册子等)
3. …you spend a couple~of nights….(这个小词组各种替换口语里常说的some啊,several啊这种表示“一些”的词,相同意思的词换换更健康更开心)
4. That’s something on my children’s list so I’d want to include that. (sth. on sb’s list本在预想或者计划之内的,比如说我知道大雁塔是很有名的地方,所以我来西安之前就把它列在我的计划之内。I knew that the Greater Wild Goose Pagoda won the good reputation so I put~it~on my visiting list.)
5. The other trip we can arrange is slightly different. (slightly,一点点,一丢丢不一样,二话不说和a little bit/a bit of 换!)
6. Yes, it’s almost~a hundred pounds cheaper. It’s £429 per person, which is~a good deal. (翻译的俗烂一点就是这是个好的交易,其实就是很划得来很合算的一笔账。而per person在听力的替换常常是a head/every person/everyone/each one)
7. I’ll be in touch when~I’ve had~a chance to look~at the brochure. (这个in touch其实说白了就是call sb.,比如说当我放假休息的时候我就联系你哈。I’ll be in touch when I’ve had one-day off.)