Imagine there is a bank which credits your account each morning with ?86,400, carries over no balance from day to day, allows you to keep no cash balance, and every evening cancels whatever part of the amount you had failed to use during the day. What would you do? Draw out every pound, of course!
Well, everyone has such a bank. Its name is Time. Every morning, it credits you with 86,400 seconds. Every night it writes off, as lost, whatever of this you have failed to invest to good purpose. It carries over no balance. It allows no overdraft. Each day it opens a new account for you. Each night it burns the records of the day. If you fail to use the day's deposits, the loss is yours.
There is no going back. There is no drawing against the "tomorrow". Therefore, there is never not enough time or too much time. Time management is decided by us alone and nobody else. It is never the case of not having enough time to do things, but the case of whether we want to do it.
1. imagine 想象,料想
2. credits 信贷,信用,声誉,荣誉
3. draw out 提取,拿出,
4. write off 撤销,勾销,消掉,删除
5. invest 投资,投入
6. overdraft透支
7. burns 消除,烧毁,刻录
8. deposits存放,存款,定金,沉积层
9. no going back无法回头
10. case事例,情况,个案,手提箱,箱子,盒子