
发布时间:2017/01/06 作者:小歪

17年雅思口语新题,你准备好了么?今天学为贵给大家带来的雅思偶遇Part 2 话题精讲:Describe a book that you want to read again.(1月新题),你会谈论你最近又读过的书么?看看下面这几个范例,帮你高效备考哦~


1.I'd like to talk about a fascinating novel I read many years ago. It’s called gone girl.it's a brilliant story.Believe it or not,I stayed up all night to finish it.it's too good to be put aside.But recently I kind of want to read it again. 

2.It’s the bestselling thriller of the year,written by a famous American author who's written a few books of this kind.But this one's my favorite.Actually I watched the film first.I love the story.So later,I stopped by a book store and bought it back home.After reading it ,I have to say the it's even better .

3.The story is about betrayal and revenge.The husband betrays his wife,having a love affair with a young girl,and plans to divorce her on their fifth wedding anniversary.When he comes back home,he finds his wife missing.He calls the police .But later,he finds all the evidences point at him.He's suspected of murdering his wife and put behind bars.At the end,he finds out it’s a revenge from his smart wife.

4.It’s a story worth reading again.The plot is brilliant.The first time I read it,I was in a hurry,because I was eager to find out what happened.I think I must have missed some details.So this time I'm going to do it right.I'dtake my time,and carefully read it page by page.Probably,this time,I'll have some new findings . 

每天背一些素材有利于考试准备和长期真正的语言能力的提高。讲好一个话题光有想法是不够的, 必要的素材积累必不可少。所谓熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟。背起来吧。学英语本来就不是一件轻松的事情。

