
发布时间:2017/01/04 作者:小歪


Boarding call for disrupted lives

Boarding schools are said to offer stability (提供稳定性=provide a stable environment) in disrupted young lives(混乱的年轻人的生活).

Boarding schools should be used to support vulnerable and deprived children(弱势和贫穷孩子), says a charity.

Research from the Royal Wanstead Children's Foundation involved tracking the progress of a group of such "assisted boarders" over five years.

It found that many of this study group of 97 pupils had been successful in their social and academic achievements.(在社会成就和和学术成绩上是成功的)

The charity, which helps to fund such pupils, says that more children could benefit from boarding school.The report from the foundation examined the experiences of children from deprived or disrupted backgrounds who were given funding for a boarding school place.

'Erratic parenting' (不稳定的家教)

Looking at 97 pupils in sixschools, the report presents a picture of children from difficult and dangerous home lives who have prospered (成功) in the stability of a boarding school.It says that 39% of this sample were ranked among the top performers in their schools.

Many of the children had had "serious emotionalproblems(严重的情绪问题)" before being taken from their home environment(家庭环境,联想homelife 家庭生活).

The report describes children whose lives had been blighted(破坏,使枯萎) by violence, disruption and mental health problems in their family.

In comparison, boarding school offered a more secure and nurturing escape route(提供了一个更加安全和可以受教育的逃离路线).

And the charity argues that with "fractured families and erratic parenting"(由于破碎的家庭和不稳定的家庭教育) that more children could benefit from spending their term time in boarding schools.


Boarding schools offer stability and a more secure escape route in the disruptive young lives. This means that children from difficult and distressing home lives can focus more on studies, and be supervised and supported by teachers.

(鱼儿老师独家整理http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/education/7114758.stm )更多实用雅思干货和福利欢迎关注学为贵公众微信号:xueweiguiol,学为贵APP带你玩转雅思哦
