
发布时间:2016/12/28 作者:小歪

今天学为贵波波老师分享的雅思口语话题是关于艺术,这里为大家提供 剑桥雅思口语Part3满分素材+思维拓展+加分表达+加分语法:赶紧看看到底关于艺术,在雅思口语中你可以说些什么吧~



考官:How important is art in life?

考生:I think art is exceedingly important, especially today. People spend most of their lives worrying about working, studying, or earning money - and it is easy to forget the value of art - paintings, sculptures, handcrafts, music and even architecture. People need to see beauty in their lives ... art is really fascinating and can inspire us to think more deeply and reflect on life.  


exceedingly 极其地

spend time doing something 花时间做某事

see beauty in lives 看到生活中的美

fascinating 迷人的

inspire 启发

think more deeply 深度思考

reflect on life 反思生活


考官:Do you think art is important for children?

考生:Definitely yes, I think art is incredibly important in making the world children live in more beautiful and amusing. Also, it can help children learn about the world around them, and help them learn about colours and shapes -- these are vital for children's development.


incredibly 极其地

making the world children live in more beautiful and amusing 让孩子生活的世界更美丽更有趣

learn about the world around them 了解周围的世界

vital 重要的

children's development 孩子的成长


考官:Do you think art is important?

考生:I don't think art is important at all. Art is quite useless and is a luxury, not a need. All forms of art, in my opinion, are completely unimportant in life. There are many more things that are much more significant than art, like earning money and having a stable life.


useless 没用的

luxury 奢侈品

need 必需品

completely 完全地

unimportant 不重要的

significant 重要的

earn money 挣钱

have a stable life 有稳定的生活

