masterpiece 杰作 e.g. Nicolas Sparks' novel "the Notebook" is a real masterpiece.
bookworm 书虫、喜欢读书的人 e.g. I'm a huge bookworm. I can't go a day without reading.
read for pleasure 读书来消遣 Many people read because it benefits their work whereas I only read for pleasure.
best-seller 畅销书(并非表示最畅销的) e.g. The book "David and Goliath" is an international best-seller.
best-selling author 畅销书作者 e.g. Malcolm Gladwell is a best-selling author. All of his books are popular in the States.
page-turner 很好看的书 e.g. This book is a real page-turner. I don't even wanna stop to eat dinner.
can't put it down (太好看)根本停不下来 e.g. I got hooked on this book and I just couldn't put it down.
by ...写的 e.g. I love reading books by Stephen Covey.
paperback 平装本 hardcover 精装本 e.g. I only have this book in paperback. It's so good I wanna buy a hardcover.