雅思口语问题: Why do some people keep eating junk food?
这个问题其实是很有意思的。多年前我看过一篇科普性的文章就提到了这个问题。科学家们经过研究已经证实垃圾食品是会让人上瘾的。这是因为我们的大脑的中枢神经会释放出一种名叫多巴胺的化学物质。这会让我们快乐, 而长此以往, 我们就离不开垃圾食品了。
这个话题的语料积累是很重要的。不然的话你的答案就是诸如没时间烧饭, 垃圾食品好吃等等, 而这样的答案真的是满大街。
Some people think this is caused by a lack of willpower. But the situation can be much more complicated .
Many of those junk foods are designed to act upon the pleasure centers of the brain. In other words ,they stimulate the reward system .While we eat junk foods , the brain releases a bunch of feel-good chemicals in the reward system, such as dopamine ,which brings the feeling of pleasure .
The problem with modern junk foods is that they can cause a reward that is way more powerful than anything we were ever exposed to in nature.
That can explain why we are so addicted to junk foods .
lack of willpower:缺乏意志力
the situation can be much more complicated than that:情况可能比我们想的更糟糕
those junk foods are designed to act upon the pleasure centers of the brain:那些垃圾食品是基于刺激我们大脑快乐的中枢神经而设计出来的
in other words :换句话说
stimulate the reward system:刺激我们大脑的奖励系统
releases a bunch of feel-good chemicals in the reward system:在(大脑)控制奖赏的区域释放出一些让人觉得快乐的化学物质
be addicted to: 对...上瘾