
发布时间:2016/10/31 作者:小歪

今日必背剑桥雅思口语加分句,加分表达+当季雅思口语Part3 -关于现在的孩子和过去的孩子的对比,看学为贵的波波老师和大家分享的加分表达有哪些吧~



take exams 参加考试

there is more of a focus on 更重视seem to be 看起来

push someone to do 驱使某人做某事

spend time in doing 花时间做某事

have fun 玩耍


考官(Part 3):Would you say that schools for young children have become more or less competitive since you were that age? Why?

考生:I'd say that they have become more competitive since I was young. Children now

have to take exams from a much younger age, so I think there is more of a focus on doing well in tests. Parents also seem to be getting more competitive; I think that many parents push their children to do extra homework rather than letting them play with friends. However, when I was little, children used to spend much time in playing games and having fun with friends.

