今日必背剑桥雅思口语加分句,加分表达+当季雅思口语Part2 -描述一条广告 ,看今天我们可以学习那些加分的雅思口语表达吧~
TV commercials 电视广告
target 锁定
associate the brand with 把品牌和...联想在一起
caputure customers 吸引消费者
present 呈现/展现
trendy 潮流的
show one's personality 表达个性
考官(Part 2):Describe an advertisement you have seen recently.
考生:I'm going to talk about an advertisement for Mini, which is one of the biggest brands in the world. I've seen Mini advertised everywhere, on posters and TV commercials. The advertisment shows a small car that takes as many people and stuff as possible. I think the aim is to target young people and associate the brand with family, friends, fashion and romance. I mean, the marketers are trying to capture young customers. They are presenting the car as not only a transport tool, but also a trendy thing to show one's personality.