social networking app 社交应用软件
lose touch with someone 失去联系
sign up for 注册
keep up to date with 了解...最新状态
post 发布
moment 朋友圈
keep in touch with 保持联系
考官(Part 2) Describe a useful app on your phone.
考生: Ok, I am going to talk about wechat that is a social networking app. It's a free app that allows you to keep in contact with friends or find people you've lost touch with. It's one of the most popular apps in China, with millions of users. And all of my friends use it. I signed up for it two years ago and I've been using it ever since. What makes wechat quite useful is that it allows you to keep up to date with what friends are doing. More importantly, you can post messages, photos, and videos on the moment so that you can tell everyone what you're doing. So I find wechat most useful for organising my life, keeping in touch with friends and storing photos. I think this social
networking app has become an essential part of my life.
今日必背剑桥雅思口语加分句,加分词组+当季雅思口语话题-描述一个有用的App --加分表达来自《雅思口语提分宝》。更多雅思口语话题欢迎随时关注学为贵雅思官网哦~